Here we discuss the three Talk Modes of the ATS-80. The ATS-80T Transmitter allows full-duplex discussion with ‘open’ microphones for two talkers. The ATS-80R Receiver allows participants to ask questions on a push-to-talk (PTT) basis.
The modes are easily set up by accessing the menu on the Lead Transmitter or by placing the devices into one of the chargers controlled by the provided software for Windows PC.

The tour group leader talks through the ‘open’ microphone.
During the tour talk, any one participant can press & hold their TALK button (PTT) to ask a question – everyone hears the talkers.

The two guides may talk through their ‘open’ microphones, while the participants listen. Everyone hears the guides.

When the secondary guide MUTES their microphone, any one participant can press & hold their TALK button (PTT) to ask a question allowing the tour leader to respond. Everyone hears the talkers.

Any two of the discussion members using ATS-80T may talk, with those using ATS-80R listening only. Ideal for staff training on a factory floor for example.

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