QR Codes enable your guests to:

  • Connect to your wi-fi network
  • Download the ListenEVERYWHERE App
  • Connect directly to stream audio
ListenEVERYWHERE delivers high-quality audio streaming by wi-fi. Find out more…
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Wi-Fi Connect QR Code

This QR Code connects a smartphone directly to the venue Wi-Fi.  This is ideal when you don’t want to advertise your network password or leave your network unsecured.

How it works:  Your guest sees the signage at your venue that instructs them to download the app by scanning a QR Code. They scan it with their smartphone camera (now built-in to most camera apps). Once scanned, they are prompted to connect to your network.

Note, once the QR code has been scanned once, the smartphone will remember the Wi-Fi network and automatically connect next time they are at the venue.

App Download QR Code

This QR code directs guests to the Listen EVERYWHERE App on the App and Play Stores.

How it works:  Your guest sees the signage at your venue that instructs them to download the Listen EVERYWHERE app to listen to the venue audio. They scan it with their smartphone (now built-in to most camera apps).  Once scanned they are directed to the app on the App or Play store. Once the app is downloaded, they simply open to connect to the venue server audio. 

Dynamic Link QR Code

This QR code allows smartphones to automatically open the Listen EVERYWHERE (LE) app and connect to the venue server audio.  Note, first-time users are directed to the App or Play store to download the app.

This QR code is used to make it easy for guests to download and use the app.  It is also used as an alternative connection to the standard discovery method the LE app uses to connect (mDNS), which some networks don’t support. Note, use of this QR code requires an internet connection on the Wi-Fi network, as well as a static IP set on the LE server.

How it works: Your guest connects to the venues Wi-Fi network. Once connected, they scan a QR code with their smartphone camera which prompts them to connect to the venue server audio. If they already have the app installed on their device, it will automatically open and they can start listening. If the app is NOT already installed, they are directed to the App or Play stores to download.

Note – Guests will only need to scan this QR code the first time connecting at your venue.  The LE app will automatically connect to audio channels the next time they launch the app.

Dynamic Links can also be provided in URL hyperlink format which offers the same functionality as mentioned above. The hyperlink can be distributed via email or text message and guests simply tap on the link instead of scanning a QR code. This is ideal for situations when an email blast or other mass communication is being sent out prior to an event.

You can use any of the QR codes methods or a combination with Listen EVERYWHERE to make it easier for your guests to connect and listen. As an example, you can provide both the Wi-Fi Connect QR Code and the Dynamic Link QR Code.  When used together guests:

  • Scan the Wi-Fi Connection QR code connecting device to the network.
  • Then scan the Dynamic Link QR code to connect to the venue server audio (or download the app if they are a first-time user).

Contact us about your requirements