Exciting news from Madrid!

Produced by Round Room Live, the official F1 exhibition opened its doors recently, and Look2innovate is providing a revolutionary TREND audioguide system to enhance the visitor experience.

Designed to take the visitor experience to the next level, Look2innovate’s TREND solution synchronizes with external videos and triggers messages simply by pointing at targets. In addition, Look2innovates’ TWIST XL high quality headsets allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the exhibition, gaining insight into the world of F1 like never before. Look2Innovate is proud to be part of the F1 exhibition, and to be working with the organizers to make it an unforgettable experience for every visitor. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to showcase the best of the F1 world, and our TREND system is the perfect complement to bring that experience to life.

Another great example application of Look2Innovate’s innovative products. Please contact us to discuss using audioguides in your project.