ListenTALK UK & Ireland

Apple Sound Ltd is a Trusted Partner for ListenTALK in the UK & Ireland.

ListenTALK is a flexible and customisable one way or two way group communication system designed to deliver crystal clear audio without amplifying ambient noise.

client review


Using a ListenTALK tour guide system offers several significant advantages that enhance the overall experience for both guides and participants. Here are just a few:

Listen Only or Talk Back


Up to 30 Groups

Unlimited number of participants

Purchases backed by a 5 year warranty

Tap-in Technology to join groups

Customisable Display



Hear the difference for yourself and let everyone join the conversation!

ListenTALK Tour Guide System Overview

ListenTALK is an all in one tour guide device that facilitates secure communication and collaboration among two or more people, in any setting.

Best of all, ListenTALK transceivers take just seconds to set up and pair. With a ListenTALK tour guide system, you’re ready to start your tour quickly and easily.

A Simple & Flexible Solution for Mobile Collaboration

ListenTALK is simple to use. Tour groups can easily be configured using the docking station tray and the push of a button, or on the go, thanks to NFC (Near Field Communication) by tapping the leader’s transceiver. ListenTALK was designed with flexibility in mind, leaders can easily designate one of three participant modes to meet the needs of any venue or setting.


More Options with ListenTALK

Playback Pre-recorded Content - The Leader can talk and listen to the tour guests and choose to playback pre-recorded audio from an external player - for example, an audio clip narrating a specific historical event during a heritage tour, or on a factory tour this could provide technical detail of the manufacturing process on a specific production line. The accessory LA-437 is a simple plug-in adapter with a socket for the player.

Language Interpretation for Tour Guests - ListenTALK allows interpreters to join the tour group and provide simultaneous translation to selected guests. Tour parties with several language interpreters is easy to manage and set up. Read more...


listen talk interactive guided tours