Greenvale is a leading supplier of fresh potatoes and the UK's largest suppliers of organic potatoes.
They supply factories with the highest quality potatoes all year round by packing fresh potatoes in two strategically located packing facilities in the UK for retailers, wholesalers and processors.
The potatoes are grown by around 200 independent UK growers, along with the potatoes from Greenvale's own growing operations and sent to pack sites with the material to store, manage and pack for their key customer base 364 days of the year.

"My enquiry was dealt with professionally - felt I was in safe hands" Purchasing Manager
Greenvale needed to improve their customer tour experience against the challenges of noisy plant and Covid-19.
ListenTALK two-way tourguide system to provide the perfect solution. We sent a demo kit to Greenvale so they could test using the headset system to confirm suitability for their tours. The compact, lightweight LK-1 devices allow two-way discussion between all participants on the plant tour. Due to the high-noise of the plant processing the potatoes, we included eardefender headsets that are certified hearing protectors to ensure the health & safety of staff & visitors.
Customers can now tour the factory while interacting with their guide by asking questions and discussing their requirements at that time - while social distancing.